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Vote Washington

Presidential Primary
Number of offices: 2
Number of candidates: 9

How to use this page:

Select the Primary election to see all candidates who filed (select a county to see PCOs).

General Election candidates will display after the Primary is certified.

The election status column displays whether a candidate appears on the Primary ballot.

View your personalized voting information at VoteWA.gov.

Command item
Command item
District TypeDistrictRaceTerm TypeTerm LengthNameMailing AddressEmailPhoneFiling DateParty PreferenceStatusElection StatusBallot Order
FederalFederalPresident - Democratic PartyRegular4Joseph R Biden JrPO Box 58174, Philadelphia, PA, 19102[email protected] 1/9/2024 11:50:00 AMDEMOCRATICActiveIn Primary1
FederalFederalPresident - Republican PartyRegular4Chris Christie613 Washington Blvd #1381, Jersey City, NJ, 07310  1/9/2024 1:23:00 PMREPUBLICANActiveIn Primary1
FederalFederalPresident - Democratic PartyRegular4Dean PhillipsPO Box 741, Excelsior, MN, 55331[email protected] 1/9/2024 1:14:00 PMDEMOCRATICActiveIn Primary2
FederalFederalPresident - Republican PartyRegular4Ron DeSantisPO Box 3696, Tallahassee, FL, 32315[email protected](850) 604-88211/9/2024 1:19:00 PMREPUBLICANActiveIn Primary2
FederalFederalPresident - Democratic PartyRegular4Marianne Williamson1901 Harrison Street Suite 1550, Oakland, CA, 94612[email protected] 1/9/2024 1:13:00 PMDEMOCRATICActiveIn Primary3
FederalFederalPresident - Republican PartyRegular4Nikki Haley186 Seven Farms Dr. Ste F-370, Daniel Island, SC, 29492[email protected](843) 352-80701/9/2024 1:16:00 PMREPUBLICANActiveIn Primary3
FederalFederalPresident - Republican PartyRegular4Vivek RamaswamyPO Box 9434, Birmingham, AL, 35259[email protected] 1/9/2024 1:22:00 PMREPUBLICANActiveIn Primary4
FederalFederalPresident - Democratic PartyRegular4Uncommitted DelegatesPO Box 4027, Seattle, WA, 98194[email protected](206) 583-06641/9/2024 4:12:14 PMDEMOCRATICActiveIn Primary4
FederalFederalPresident - Republican PartyRegular4Donald J. TrumpPO Box 13570, Arlington, VA, 22219[email protected] 1/9/2024 1:21:00 PMREPUBLICANActiveIn Primary5