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Number of offices: 116
Number of candidates: 166

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District TypeDistrictRaceTerm TypeTerm LengthNameMailing AddressEmailPhoneFiling DateParty PreferenceStatusElection Status
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 166 items in 2 pages
PortCENTRALIA PORT CD #3Commissioner District 3Regular6Peter N. Lahmann Jr.311 N IRON ST , CENTRALIA, WA, 98531[email protected](360) 870-07065/15/2023 8:00:00 AM ActiveAdvanced to General1
PortCENTRALIA PORT CD #3Commissioner District 3Regular6Dianne Dorey910 GOFF ST, CENTRALIA, WA, 98531-2424[email protected](360) 701-88155/15/2023 9:03:03 AM ActiveAdvanced to General2
PortCHEHALIS PORT CD #3Commissioner District 3Regular6Mark Anders109 CEDAR DR , CHEHALIS, WA, 98532[email protected](360) 269-24685/15/2023 8:35:00 AM ActiveAdvanced to General1
SchoolCASTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 401Director District 3Regular4Henry Karnofski829 PH 10, CASTLE ROCK, WA, 98611[email protected]() -5/16/2023 3:02:35 PM ActiveAdvanced to General1
SchoolCASTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 401Director District At Large (4)Regular4Levi Godinho253 CHAPMAN RD, CASTLE ROCK, WA, 98611  5/18/2023 8:58:16 PM ActiveIn Primary1
SchoolCASTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 401Director District At Large (4)Regular4Gary Stoner6611 WEST SIDE HWY, CASTLE ROCK, WA, 98611[email protected](360) 431-67295/15/2023 10:01:26 AM ActiveIn Primary2
SchoolCASTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 401Director District At Large (4)Regular4Tracy Morgan507 TOUTLE RIVER RD, CASTLE ROCK, WA, 98611[email protected](360) 703-18735/15/2023 10:38:14 AM ActiveIn Primary3
SchoolCASTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 401Director District At Large (5)Unexpired2Angelica Velazquez7750 OLD PACIFIC HWY N, CASTLE ROCK, WA, 98611  5/16/2023 11:11:17 AM ActiveAdvanced to General1
SchoolCASTLE ROCK SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 401Director District At Large (5)Unexpired2Todd JansenPO BOX 224, CASTLE ROCK, WA, 98611[email protected](503) 858-74585/16/2023 8:29:14 PM ActiveAdvanced to General2
SchoolROCHESTER SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 401School Board Director, District No. 2Regular4Grant Rodeheaver10909 188TH AVE SW, ROCHESTER, WA, 98579[email protected](360) 280-47335/18/2023 12:44:46 PM ActiveAdvanced to General1
SchoolROCHESTER SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 401School Board Director, District No. 2Regular4Wava Garza12024 LANGWORTHY RD SW, ROCHESTER, WA, 98579[email protected](360) 273-33265/15/2023 10:02:17 AM ActiveAdvanced to General2
SchoolROCHESTER SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 401School Board Director, District No. 3Regular4Penelope Mena20231 CARPER RD SW, ROCHESTER, WA, 98579[email protected](360) 972-40795/15/2023 10:14:18 AM ActiveAdvanced to General1
SchoolROCHESTER SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 401School Board Director, District No. 3Regular4Susie HawesPO BOX 26, ROCHESTER, WA, 98579[email protected](360) 280-77975/15/2023 10:07:02 AM ActiveAdvanced to General2
SchoolROCHESTER SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 401School Board Director, District No. 4Regular4James Neil Turner18438 IVAN ST SW, ROCHESTER, WA, 98579[email protected](360) 701-18345/16/2023 8:32:16 AM ActiveAdvanced to General1
SchoolROCHESTER SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 401School Board Director, District No. 4Regular4Michael L. Morrow18225 LAWTON LN SW, ROCHESTER, WA, 98579[email protected](360) 858-77965/15/2023 10:03:41 AM ActiveAdvanced to General2
SchoolEATONVILLE SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 404Director at Large Pos. 4Regular4Corey Ackerman13204 532ND ST E, EATONVILLE, WA, 98328[email protected](801) 889-89105/15/2023 9:56:07 AM ActiveIn Primary1
SchoolEATONVILLE SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 404Director at Large Pos. 4Regular4Karen Carr507 CARTER ST W, EATONVILLE, WA, 98328[email protected](253) 431-21415/19/2023 1:46:53 PM ActiveIn Primary2
SchoolEATONVILLE SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 404Director at Large Pos. 4Regular4Kim WilliamsPO BOX 86, EATONVILLE, WA, 98328[email protected](360) 832-76595/19/2023 3:39:28 PM ActiveIn Primary3
SchoolEATONVILLE SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 404Director Dist. 1Regular4Paulette J. GilliardiPO BOX 16, ELBE, WA, 98330[email protected](253) 318-11115/15/2023 11:30:38 AM ActiveAdvanced to General1
SchoolEATONVILLE SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 404Director Dist. 3Regular4Travis Rush2612 CASCADE DR E, ROY, WA, 98580[email protected] 5/15/2023 12:41:49 PM ActiveAdvanced to General1
SchoolEATONVILLE SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 404Director Dist. 3Regular4James WaldronPO BOX 4, EATONVILLE, WA, 98328[email protected](253) 370-69715/15/2023 9:01:42 PM ActiveAdvanced to General2
City/TownCENTRALIA CITYCouncil Position 1 At-LargeRegular4Steven Hubbard1117 F ST, CENTRALIA, WA, 98531[email protected](503) 849-14985/16/2023 9:44:47 AM ActiveIn Primary1
City/TownCENTRALIA CITYCouncil Position 1 At-LargeRegular4Chris Brewer905 N WASHINGTON AVE, CENTRALIA, WA, 98531[email protected](503) 395-51085/19/2023 3:57:22 PM ActiveIn Primary2
City/TownCENTRALIA CITYCouncil Position 1 At-LargeRegular4Russell Barr213 N OAK ST, CENTRALIA, WA, 98531[email protected](360) 269-92995/16/2023 2:38:35 PM ActiveIn Primary3
City/TownCENTRALIA CITYCouncil Position 1 At-LargeRegular4Elba Adrianna Garibay511 S IRON ST, CENTRALIA, WA, 98531[email protected](360) 807-20545/17/2023 1:03:50 PM Withdrawn  
City/TownCENTRALIA CITYCouncil Position 2 At-LargeRegular4Kelly Smith Johnston1223 HAM HILL RD, CENTRALIA, WA, 98531[email protected](360) 508-32955/15/2023 9:43:33 AM ActiveIn Primary1
City/TownCENTRALIA CITYCouncil Position 2 At-LargeRegular4Leah Daarud525 S DIAMOND ST, CENTRALIA, WA, 98531[email protected](360) 540-85805/19/2023 12:26:12 PM ActiveIn Primary2
City/TownCENTRALIA CITYCouncil Position 2 At-LargeRegular4Joyce Barnes1918 HARRISON AVE UNIT 34, CENTRALIA, WA, 98531[email protected](360) 269-38275/19/2023 4:07:53 PM ActiveIn Primary3
City/TownCENTRALIA CITYCouncil Position 2 At-LargeRegular4Anthony Ahrens415 N OAK ST APT 5, CENTRALIA, WA, 98531[email protected](360) 827-21035/19/2023 12:02:07 PM ActiveIn Primary4
City/TownCENTRALIA CITYCouncil Position 3 At-LargeShort & Full4Adrianna Garibay511 S IRON ST, CENTRALIA, WA, 98531  5/18/2023 10:54:09 AM ActiveAdvanced to General1
City/TownCENTRALIA CITYCouncil Position 3 At-LargeShort & Full4Kylie Sexsmith412 S DIAMOND ST, CENTRALIA, WA, 98531[email protected](360) 388-17935/19/2023 12:39:41 PM ActiveAdvanced to General2
SchoolSCH DIST 400 - OAKVILLESchool 400 Director District 1Unexpired2Jessica GeorgePO BOX 676, OAKVILLE, WA, 98568 (5/18/2023 7:53:23 AM ActiveAdvanced to General 
City/TownCHEHALIS CITYCouncil Position 2 At-LargeUnexpired2Kevin Carns138 NE SCHOOL ST, CHEHALIS, WA, 98532[email protected](360) 870-57785/15/2023 1:07:01 PM ActiveAdvanced to General1
SchoolSCH DIST 400 - OAKVILLESchool 400 Director District 2Unexpired2Katie Bushnell316 W ORCHARD ST, OAKVILLE, WA, 98568 () -5/18/2023 8:20:17 AM ActiveAdvanced to General 
SchoolSCH DIST 400 - OAKVILLESchool 400 Director District 3Regular4Elizabeth Logan Brockman93 LANGABEER RD, OAKVILLE, WA, 98568[email protected](206) 261-69585/18/2023 3:51:43 PM ActiveAdvanced to General 
SchoolSCH DIST 400 - OAKVILLESchool 400 Director District 5Regular4Sabra Noyes41 AMES LN, OAKVILLE, WA, 98568[email protected](360) 981-23895/17/2023 1:36:24 PM ActiveAdvanced to General 
City/TownCHEHALIS COUNCIL DIST #1Council District 1Regular4Jerry Lord515 N MARKET BLVD, CHEHALIS, WA, 98532 () -5/16/2023 4:29:20 PM ActiveAdvanced to General1
City/TownCHEHALIS COUNCIL DIST #2Council District 2Regular4Daryl J. LundPO BOX 478, CHEHALIS, WA, 98532[email protected](360) 269-03805/15/2023 9:12:34 AM ActiveAdvanced to General1
City/TownCHEHALIS COUNCIL DIST #3Council District 3Regular4Anthony E. Ketchum400 SW CHEHALIS AVE , CHEHALIS, WA, 98532 (360) 748-16855/15/2023 8:00:00 AM ActiveAdvanced to General1
City/TownCHEHALIS COUNCIL DIST #4Council District 4Regular4Karen Laufenberg484 SW 18TH ST, CHEHALIS, WA, 98532[email protected](509) 771-07795/15/2023 11:48:53 AM ActiveAdvanced to General1
City/TownCHEHALIS COUNCIL DIST #4Council District 4Regular4Jody Kyes1690 SW SNIVELY AVE, CHEHALIS, WA, 98532[email protected](360) 520-46475/19/2023 10:40:19 AM ActiveAdvanced to General2
City/TownMORTON CITYMayorRegular4Daniel S MortensenPO BOX 208, MORTON, WA, 98356[email protected](360) 496-64135/16/2023 2:34:11 PM ActiveAdvanced to General1
City/TownMORTON CITYMayorRegular4Ricky M MeadPO BOX 733, MORTON, WA, 98356[email protected]() -5/17/2023 4:16:24 PM ActiveAdvanced to General2
City/TownMORTON CITYCouncil Position 1Regular4Jason SawyerPO BOX 430, MORTON, WA, 98356[email protected](206) 276-94155/18/2023 11:27:06 PM ActiveIn Primary1
City/TownMORTON CITYCouncil Position 1Regular4Dennis Morningstar357 7TH STREET, MORTON, WA, 98356[email protected] 5/19/2023 2:54:32 PM ActiveIn Primary2
City/TownMORTON CITYCouncil Position 1Regular4Aubrey GranthamPO BOX 1856, MORTON, WA, 98356[email protected](360) 880-81215/19/2023 12:08:00 PM ActiveIn Primary3
City/TownMORTON CITYCouncil Position 2Unexpired2Bob BoyerPO BOX 116, MORTON, WA, 98356 () -5/18/2023 9:10:50 AM ActiveAdvanced to General1
City/TownMORTON CITYCouncil Position 4Regular4Wendy McCullyPO BOX 331, MORTON, WA, 98356 () -5/17/2023 12:46:41 PM ActiveAdvanced to General1
City/TownMOSSYROCK CITYMayorRegular4Randall J Sasser180 MOSSYROCK RD W, MOSSYROCK, WA, 98564[email protected](360) 269-32365/19/2023 9:09:44 AM ActiveAdvanced to General1
City/TownMOSSYROCK CITYCouncil Position 2Regular4Beatrice C. MinnearP.O. BOX 11, MOSSYROCK, WA, 98564[email protected](360) 983-32535/15/2023 9:12:45 AM ActiveAdvanced to General1
City/TownMOSSYROCK CITYCouncil Position 3Regular4Shannon McarronPO BOX 373, MOSSYROCK, WA, 98564[email protected](360) 520-51755/19/2023 8:28:00 AM ActiveAdvanced to General1
City/TownMOSSYROCK CITYCouncil Position 4Unexpired2Juliana Simon36 GODFREY RD, MOSSYROCK, WA, 98564  5/18/2023 10:33:35 AM ActiveAdvanced to General1
City/TownMOSSYROCK CITYCouncil Position 5Regular4Teresa Quinlan278 MOSSYROCK RD W, MOSSYROCK, WA, 98564[email protected](360) 219-69195/19/2023 11:50:37 AM ActiveAdvanced to General1
City/TownNAPAVINE CITYMayorRegular4Shawn M ONeill528 3RD AVE NW, CHEHALIS, WA, 98532 () -5/15/2023 2:15:16 PM ActiveAdvanced to General1
City/TownNAPAVINE CITYCouncil Position 2Unexpired2Ivan L Wiediger148 WOODARD RD, CHEHALIS, WA, 98532[email protected](360) 269-36125/17/2023 3:01:04 PM ActiveAdvanced to General1
City/TownNAPAVINE CITYCouncil Position 3Short & Full4Donald WebsterP.O BOX 121, NAPAVINE, WA, 98565 () -5/19/2023 11:14:17 AM ActiveAdvanced to General1
City/TownNAPAVINE CITYCouncil Position 5Short & Full4Duane CrousePO BOX 391, CHEHALIS, WA, 98532[email protected]() -5/15/2023 12:25:20 PM ActiveAdvanced to General1
City/TownPE ELL TOWNMayorRegular4Lonnie WilleyPO BOX 194, PE ELL, WA, 98572 () -5/17/2023 2:37:11 PM ActiveAdvanced to General1
City/TownPE ELL TOWNCouncil Position 3Regular4Jilona SpeerPO BOX 123, PE ELL, WA, 98572[email protected]() -5/16/2023 12:27:37 PM ActiveAdvanced to General1
City/TownPE ELL TOWNCouncil Position 4Regular4Kristi A. MilanowskiP.O. BOX 537, PE ELL, WA, 98572[email protected](360) 291-32915/15/2023 10:40:18 AM ActiveAdvanced to General1
City/TownPE ELL TOWNCouncil Position 5Regular4Christopher DoddPO BOX 172, PE ELL, WA, 98572  5/17/2023 3:00:29 PM ActiveAdvanced to General1
City/TownTOLEDO CITYMayorRegular4Jake MorganPO BOX 550, TOLEDO, WA, 98591-0550[email protected]() -5/15/2023 9:14:33 AM ActiveAdvanced to General1
City/TownTOLEDO CITYMayorRegular4Cherie DeVorePO BOX 1292, TOLEDO, WA, 98591[email protected] 5/15/2023 1:48:04 PM ActiveAdvanced to General2
City/TownTOLEDO CITYMayorRegular4Daniel GortonPO BOX 1016, TOLEDO, WA, 98591-1016[email protected](360) 350-93975/15/2023 3:18:38 PM Withdrawn  
City/TownTOLEDO CITYCouncil Position 3Regular4Rebecca DuerstPO BOX 532, TOLEDO, WA, 98591[email protected](360) 864-20375/15/2023 9:13:05 AM ActiveAdvanced to General1
City/TownTOLEDO CITYCouncil Position 4Short & Full4Kathy HillPO BOX 464, TOLEDO, WA, 98591[email protected](360) 219-77565/18/2023 10:23:22 AM ActiveAdvanced to General1
City/TownTOLEDO CITYCouncil Position 5Regular4Gary ReboinPO BOX 1138, TOLEDO, WA, 98591[email protected](360) 269-02985/15/2023 1:55:27 PM ActiveAdvanced to General1
City/TownTOLEDO CITYCouncil Position 5Regular4Jamie ScalisePO BOX 1034, TOLEDO, WA, 98591[email protected](509) 954-93445/17/2023 7:16:06 AM ActiveAdvanced to General2
City/TownVADER CITYMayorRegular4Joe ScheyPO BOX 82, VADER, WA, 98593[email protected](360) 562-05405/15/2023 9:04:50 AM ActiveAdvanced to General1
City/TownVADER CITYCouncil Position 4Regular4Mike Parsons815 10TH ST, VADER, WA, 98593[email protected](360) 921-84365/18/2023 11:25:11 PM ActiveAdvanced to General1
City/TownVADER CITYCouncil Position 4Regular4Bob Goff717 C ST, VADER, WA, 98593[email protected] 5/19/2023 11:46:15 AM ActiveAdvanced to General2
City/TownVADER CITYCouncil Position 5Short & Full4Michael Ferguson915 G ST, VADER, WA, 98593  5/15/2023 9:15:55 AM ActiveAdvanced to General1
City/TownVADER CITYCouncil Position 5Short & Full4Janet Charlton620 6TH STREET, VADER, WA, 98593 () -5/19/2023 3:43:46 PM ActiveAdvanced to General2
City/TownWINLOCK CITYCouncil Position 1Regular4Marty A Poirrier II504 NW CLARK AVE, WINLOCK, WA, 98596[email protected](360) 880-80175/15/2023 11:32:43 AM ActiveAdvanced to General1
City/TownWINLOCK CITYCouncil Position 1Regular4Jess Bowers710 MILLER ST, WINLOCK, WA, 98596-8900[email protected](253) 272-35095/18/2023 10:15:18 AM ActiveAdvanced to General2
City/TownWINLOCK CITYCouncil Position 2Regular4Roland Camps1112 SE FRONT ST, WINLOCK, WA, 98596[email protected](360) 353-11325/18/2023 12:08:09 PM ActiveAdvanced to General1
City/TownWINLOCK CITYCouncil Position 2Regular4Eric Contreras325 CEDAR COURT, WINLOCK, WA, 98596[email protected](360) 304-39755/18/2023 8:35:22 AM Withdrawn  
City/TownWINLOCK CITYCouncil Position 3Regular4Shelly Allen401 NW ARDEN AVE, WINLOCK, WA, 98596 () -5/17/2023 7:14:56 AM ActiveIn Primary1
City/TownWINLOCK CITYCouncil Position 3Regular4Eric ContrerasPO BOX 250, WINLOCK, WA, 98596[email protected](360) 304-39755/19/2023 2:24:07 PM ActiveIn Primary2
City/TownWINLOCK CITYCouncil Position 3Regular4Jodie Curtis101 SW ALDER ST, WINLOCK, WA, 98596[email protected](360) 304-93915/19/2023 11:27:56 AM ActiveIn Primary3
SchoolADNA SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 226Director District 1Regular4Melissa K Ryan149 CREEKWOOD LN, CHEHALIS, WA, 98532[email protected]() -5/16/2023 8:59:13 AM ActiveAdvanced to General1
SchoolADNA SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 226Director District 2Regular4Robert D. Fay1870 STATE ROUTE 6, CHEHALIS, WA, 98532 () -5/18/2023 10:40:28 AM ActiveAdvanced to General1
SchoolADNA SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 226Director District 5Regular4Terry BowerPO BOX 447, CHEHALIS, WA, 98532 () -5/15/2023 5:03:42 PM ActiveAdvanced to General1
SchoolBOISTFORT SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 234Director District 1Regular4Katherine Humphrey345 CERES HILL RD, CHEHALIS, WA, 98532[email protected]() -5/16/2023 12:36:19 PM ActiveAdvanced to General1
SchoolBOISTFORT SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 234Director District 4Regular4Susan GildersleevePO BOX 23, CURTIS, WA, 98538[email protected](360) 520-54965/19/2023 12:37:22 PM ActiveAdvanced to General1
SchoolBOISTFORT SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 234Director District 5Unexpired2Hollie KunishigePO BOX 89, CURTIS, WA, 98538 () -5/15/2023 4:22:10 PM ActiveAdvanced to General1
SchoolCENTRALIA SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 401Director Position 2Regular4Maritza Bravo213 S BERRY ST, CENTRALIA, WA, 98531  5/15/2023 6:50:28 PM ActiveAdvanced to General1
SchoolCENTRALIA SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 401Director Position 3Regular4Andrea Ware1217 N WASHINGTON AVE, CENTRALIA, WA, 98531[email protected] 5/18/2023 7:20:48 PM ActiveAdvanced to General1
SchoolCENTRALIA SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 401Director Position 3Regular4Sarah Holmes2122 SEMINARY HILL RD, CENTRALIA, WA, 98531[email protected](360) 880-47265/19/2023 12:49:47 PM Withdrawn  
SchoolCENTRALIA SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 401Director Position 4Regular4Mandi McDougallPO BOX 126, GALVIN, WA, 98544[email protected](360) 827-16095/15/2023 9:02:51 AM ActiveAdvanced to General1
SchoolCENTRALIA SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 401Director Position 4Regular4Sarah Holmes2122 SEMINARY HILL RD, CENTRALIA, WA, 98531[email protected](360) 880-47265/19/2023 1:13:08 PM ActiveAdvanced to General2
SchoolCHEHALIS SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 302Director District 1Regular4Timothy C. LeDuc227 WIDGEON HILL RD , CHEHALIS, WA, 98532[email protected](360) 748-18405/15/2023 8:00:00 AM ActiveAdvanced to General1
SchoolCHEHALIS SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 302Director District 2Regular4Alan Browning1657 SW GRANDVIEW AVE, CHEHALIS, WA, 98532[email protected](360) 269-76765/15/2023 10:17:44 AM ActiveAdvanced to General1
SchoolCHEHALIS SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 302Director District 5 At-LargeRegular4J. Vanderstoep345 NW Pacific Ave, CHEHALIS, WA, 98532[email protected](360) 269-02005/15/2023 8:00:00 AM ActiveIn Primary1
SchoolCHEHALIS SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 302Director District 5 At-LargeRegular4Julie Balmelli-PowePO BOX 341, CHEHALIS, WA, 98532[email protected](360) 269-48545/15/2023 1:18:49 PM ActiveIn Primary2
SchoolCHEHALIS SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 302Director District 5 At-LargeRegular4Matt Fagerness743 SE ADAMS AVENUE, CHEHALIS, WA, 98532[email protected](360) 520-74575/18/2023 3:36:55 PM ActiveIn Primary3
SchoolCHEHALIS SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 302Director District 5 At-LargeRegular4Anthony MixerP.O. BOX 97, ADNA, WA, 98522[email protected](360) 623-98585/15/2023 11:28:07 AM ActiveIn Primary4
SchoolEVALINE SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 36Director Position 1Regular4Anya Klemmensen504 TENNESSEE RD, WINLOCK, WA, 98596 () -5/17/2023 4:08:19 PM ActiveAdvanced to General1
SchoolEVALINE SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 36Director Position 2Regular4Ona J Felker238 PLEASANT VALLEY RD, WINLOCK, WA, 98596 () -5/17/2023 9:01:19 AM ActiveAdvanced to General1
SchoolEVALINE SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 36Director Position 5Regular4Matthew Klemmensen504 TENNESSEE RD, WINLOCK, WA, 98596 () -5/17/2023 4:10:06 PM ActiveAdvanced to General1