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Vote Washington

Number of offices: 68
Number of candidates: 81

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Command item
Command item
District TypeDistrictRaceTerm TypeTerm LengthNameMailing AddressEmailPhoneFiling DateParty PreferenceStatusElection Status
SchoolLACROSSE SCHOOL DISTRICT - 126Position 1 at LargeRegular4Cathrine WigenPO BOX 241, LACROSSE, WA, 99143 () -5/17/2021 12:38:06 PM ActiveIn Primary1
SchoolNORTH FRANKLIN SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. J51-162Director, District 3, Position 3Regular4Lori Mercer121 HOGBACK RD, CONNELL, WA, 99326 () -5/21/2021 10:46:29 AM ActiveAdvanced to General1
SchoolNORTH FRANKLIN SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. J51-162Director, District 4, Position 4Regular4Pat Hailey691 HAILEY RD, MESA, WA, 99343[email protected](509) 265-42825/17/2021 9:47:34 AM ActiveAdvanced to General1
PortPORT DISTRICT 1Commissioner District 3Regular6Patrick Simmons515 N MACBETH AVE, OTHELLO, WA, 99344 () -5/20/2021 4:57:51 PM ActiveAdvanced to General1
PortPORT DISTRICT 1Commissioner District 3Regular6Deena Vietzke830 E. LARCH ST., OTHELLO, WA, 99344 () -5/17/2021 9:06:39 AM ActiveAdvanced to General2
Public HospitalHOSPITAL DISTRICT 2Commissioner Position 1Regular6Daniel Duff510 W 4TH AVE, RITZVILLE, WA, 99169 () -5/17/2021 12:14:59 PM ActiveAdvanced to General1
Public HospitalHOSPITAL DISTRICT 2Commissioner Position 4 Regular6Eric Walker1849 E HARDER RD, RITZVILLE, WA, 99169[email protected](509) 659-45005/17/2021 3:19:46 PM ActiveAdvanced to General1
Public HospitalHOSPITAL DISTRICT 3Commissioner Position 1Regular6Lynda Bowers1960 W HAMPTON RD, OTHELLO, WA, 99344 () -5/17/2021 2:43:51 PM ActiveAdvanced to General1
SchoolSCHOOL DISTRICT 109 - WASHTUCNADirector Position 2Regular4Teresa CorrellPO BOX 2, HOOPER, WA, 99333[email protected](509) 631-05315/19/2021 1:48:57 PM ActiveAdvanced to General1
SchoolSCHOOL DISTRICT 109 - WASHTUCNADirector Position 3Unexpired2Jeremy Jessop265 SE CHURCH ST, WASHTUCNA, WA, 99371 () -5/19/2021 6:26:22 PM ActiveAdvanced to General1
SchoolSCHOOL DISTRICT 109 - WASHTUCNADirector Position 4Regular4Steve Crouse1355 E GILLIS RD, WASHTUCNA, WA, 99371 () -5/18/2021 1:29:44 PM ActiveAdvanced to General1
SchoolSCHOOL DISTRICT 109 - WASHTUCNADirector Position 5Regular4Jacob Sitton1898 E RAY RD, WASHTUCNA, WA, 99371 () -5/20/2021 9:15:23 AM ActiveAdvanced to General1
SchoolSCHOOL DISTRICT 122 - BENGEDirector Position 2Regular4Heather Clinesmith11 N BUTTERCUP LANE, BENGE, WA, 99105[email protected]() -5/18/2021 12:19:22 PM ActiveAdvanced to General1
SchoolSCHOOL DISTRICT 122 - BENGEDirector Position 5Regular4Bruce Honn3451 E BENGE WINONA RD, BENGE, WA, 99105 () -5/17/2021 9:15:59 AM ActiveAdvanced to General1
SchoolLACROSSE SCHOOL DISTRICT - 126Position 2 at LargeRegular4Tami Schwartz110252 SR 26, LACROSSE, WA, 99143 () -5/17/2021 12:59:22 PM ActiveAdvanced to General1
SchoolLACROSSE SCHOOL DISTRICT - 126Position 3 at LargeRegular4Harmon D. Smith26052 State Route 127, Lacrosse, WA, 99143[email protected](509) 549-33685/19/2021 9:38:49 AM ActiveAdvanced to General1
SchoolENDICOTT SCHOOL DISTRICT - 308Position 2 at LargeRegular4Linda GreenhalghPo Box 58, Endicott, WA, 99125 () -5/18/2021 1:51:50 PM ActiveAdvanced to General1
SchoolENDICOTT SCHOOL DISTRICT - 308Position 4 at LargeRegular4Debbie Schlomer15051 LANCASTER RD, ENDICOTT, WA, 99125 () -5/17/2021 5:10:09 PM ActiveAdvanced to General1
SchoolSCHOOL DISTRICT 147 - OTHELLODirector District 1Regular4Jenn Stevenson424 E HAMLET ST, OTHELLO, WA, 99344 () -5/17/2021 9:10:35 AM ActiveAdvanced to General1
SchoolSCHOOL DISTRICT 147 - OTHELLODirector District 3Regular4Kenneth Johnson1020 S COBBLESTONE AVE, OTHELLO, WA, 99344[email protected](509) 750-20465/17/2021 9:03:44 AM ActiveAdvanced to General1
SchoolSPRAGUE SCHOOL DISTRICT 008DIRECTOR NO. 3Regular4Amanda OsbornePO BOX 141, SPRAGUE, WA, 99032 (509) 239-45495/18/2021 3:57:26 PM ActiveAdvanced to General1
SchoolSCHOOL DISTRICT 147 - OTHELLODirector District 4 - at largeRegular4Lindsy Mollotte ProwsPO BOX 1288, OTHELLO, WA, 99344 () -5/17/2021 11:04:35 AM ActiveAdvanced to General1
SchoolSPRAGUE SCHOOL DISTRICT 008DIRECTOR NO. 5Regular4Joan M. SchmittPO Box 64, Sprague, WA, 99032 () -5/17/2021 10:23:23 AM ActiveAdvanced to General1
SchoolSCHOOL DISTRICT 158 - LINDDirector Position 1Unexpired2Jim WeidemannP.O. BOX 155, LIND, WA, 99341[email protected]() -5/18/2021 1:42:54 PM ActiveAdvanced to General1
SchoolSCHOOL DISTRICT 158 - LINDDirector Position 3Regular4Adam LabesPO BOX 364, LIND, WA, 99341 () -5/20/2021 1:59:28 PM ActiveAdvanced to General1
SchoolSCHOOL DISTRICT 158 - LINDDirector Position 4Unexpired2Gregory SchmunkPO BOX 538, LIND, WA, 99341 () -5/21/2021 2:51:37 PM ActiveAdvanced to General1
SchoolSCHOOL DISTRICT 160 - RITZVILLEDirector District 1Regular4Scott Carruth106 E 5th Ave, Ritzville, WA, 99169 () -5/20/2021 11:40:00 AM ActiveAdvanced to General1
SchoolSCHOOL DISTRICT 160 - RITZVILLEDirector District 5Regular4Tia Kubik2197 E HEINEMAN RD, RITZVILLE, WA, 99169 () -5/18/2021 7:34:39 AM ActiveAdvanced to General1
SchoolODESSA SCHOOL DISTRICT 105DIRECTOR NO. 1Regular4Janie StewardPO BOX 652, ODESSA, WA, 99159 () -5/18/2021 8:55:31 AM ActiveAdvanced to General1
SchoolODESSA SCHOOL DISTRICT 105DIRECTOR NO. 5 AT-LARGERegular4Heather L ValverdePO BOX 752, ODESSA, WA, 99159 () -5/18/2021 8:52:27 AM ActiveAdvanced to General1
SchoolWarden School Dist #146SCHOOL DIRECTOR #01Regular4Doug Skone18564 ROAD 6.5 SE, WARDEN, WA, 98857 (509) 349-24255/18/2021 9:21:30 PM ActiveAdvanced to General1
SchoolWarden School Dist #146SCHOOL DIRECTOR #04 At LargeRegular4Brandi ArredondoPO BOX 1253, WARDEN, WA, 98857[email protected]() -5/21/2021 1:58:01 PM ActiveAdvanced to General1
SchoolWarden School Dist #146SCHOOL DIRECTOR #04 At LargeRegular4Bryce CoxPO BOX 1046, WARDEN, WA, 98857 () -5/21/2021 10:51:34 AM ActiveAdvanced to General2
City/TownTOWN OF HATTONMayorUnexpired2Dell C Palmer50 Front St, Hatton, WA, 99344 () -5/19/2021 12:28:00 PM ActiveAdvanced to General1
City/TownTOWN OF HATTONCouncil Position 1Unexpired2James Earl Van Patten200 Bronson St, Hatton, WA, 99344 () -5/19/2021 12:26:00 PM ActiveAdvanced to General1
City/TownTOWN OF HATTONCouncil Position 3Short & Full4Linda Palmer50 Front St, Hatton, WA, 99344 () -5/19/2021 12:25:00 PM ActiveAdvanced to General1
City/TownTOWN OF LINDMayorRegular4Jamie SchmunkPO BOX 538, LIND, WA, 99341 () -5/18/2021 10:31:56 AM ActiveAdvanced to General1
City/TownTOWN OF LINDMayorRegular4Paula BellPO Box 74, Lind, WA, 99341 () -5/17/2021 8:40:00 AM ActiveAdvanced to General2
City/TownTOWN OF LINDCouncil Position 1Regular4London DewPO BOX 314, LIND, WA, 99341 () -5/17/2021 7:18:27 PM ActiveAdvanced to General1
City/TownTOWN OF LINDCouncil Position 1Regular4Rosemary ElkingtonPO Box 111, Lind, WA, 99341 () -5/17/2021 11:00:00 AM ActiveAdvanced to General2
City/TownTOWN OF LINDCouncil Position 2Regular4Mike J WoldPO BOX 505, LIND, WA, 99341[email protected](509) 770-30305/20/2021 12:08:16 PM ActiveIn Primary1
City/TownTOWN OF LINDCouncil Position 2Regular4Sheri MarlinPO BOX 123, LIND, WA, 99341 () -5/21/2021 6:51:23 AM ActiveIn Primary2
City/TownTOWN OF LINDCouncil Position 2Regular4Kathy VedderPO BOX 252, LIND, WA, 99341 () -5/18/2021 8:00:48 PM ActiveIn Primary3
City/TownTOWN OF LINDCouncil Position 3Regular4Laura DewPO BOX 63, LIND, WA, 99341 () -5/18/2021 7:16:12 PM ActiveIn Primary1
City/TownTOWN OF LINDCouncil Position 3Regular4Whisper CasadyPO BOX 184, LIND, WA, 99341[email protected](150) 977-17135/20/2021 8:08:58 AM ActiveIn Primary2
City/TownTOWN OF LINDCouncil Position 3Regular4Richard BaldwinPO Box 501, Lind, WA, 99341 () -5/17/2021 9:25:00 AM ActiveIn Primary3
City/TownCITY OF OTHELLOMayorRegular4Shawn R. LoganPO BOX 544, OTHELLO, WA, 99344 () -5/17/2021 10:53:33 AM ActiveAdvanced to General1
City/TownCITY OF OTHELLOCouncil Position 1Regular4Genna Dorow850 E HEMLOCK ST, OTHELLO, WA, 99344 () -5/17/2021 3:17:29 PM ActiveAdvanced to General1
City/TownCITY OF OTHELLOCouncil Position 2Regular4John G. Lallas456 E FIR CREST, OTHELLO, WA, 99344 () -5/18/2021 7:32:11 PM ActiveAdvanced to General1
City/TownCITY OF OTHELLOCouncil Position 3Regular4Corey EverettPOB 69, OTHELLO, WA, 99344 () -5/18/2021 5:11:29 AM ActiveAdvanced to General1
City/TownCITY OF RITZVILLEMayorUnexpired2Glen R Stockwell405 N Division St, Ritzville, WA, 99169[email protected](509) 540-68995/18/2021 2:49:00 PM ActiveIn Primary1
City/TownCITY OF RITZVILLEMayorUnexpired2Linda Kadlec1404 Weber Ave, Ritzville, WA, 99169 () -5/20/2021 11:10:00 AM ActiveIn Primary2
City/TownCITY OF RITZVILLEMayorUnexpired2Dennis R Chamberlain109 E 2nd Ave, Ritzville, WA, 99169[email protected](509) 347-68995/17/2021 9:28:00 AM ActiveIn Primary3
City/TownRITZVILLE WARD 3Council Ward 3Regular4Scott Yaeger308 S Cascade St, Ritzville, WA, 99169 () -5/20/2021 2:00:00 PM ActiveAdvanced to General1
City/TownRITZVILLE WARD 5Council Ward 5Regular4Michael Schrag506 W 7th Ave, Ritzville, WA, 99169 () -5/17/2021 3:38:00 PM ActiveAdvanced to General1
City/TownCITY OF RITZVILLECouncil at Large 2yrRegular2Charles Jingling601 S DIVISION ST, RITZVILLE, WA, 99169[email protected](509) 660-01285/17/2021 1:39:28 PM ActiveIn Primary1
City/TownCITY OF RITZVILLECouncil at Large 2yrRegular2Dan Peters406 E Birch Ave, Ritzville, WA, 99169 () -5/18/2021 11:53:00 AM ActiveIn Primary2
City/TownCITY OF RITZVILLECouncil at Large 2yrRegular2Mark Weigand309 E 6th Ave, Ritzville, WA, 99169 () -5/17/2021 10:00:00 AM ActiveIn Primary3
City/TownCITY OF RITZVILLECouncil at Large 2yrRegular2Marsha Reimers Smith507 S Adams St, Ritzville, WA, 99169 () -5/19/2021 9:02:00 AM ActiveIn Primary4
City/TownCITY OF RITZVILLECouncil at Large 4yrRegular4Michelle Plumb308 E 2ND AVE, RITZVILLE, WA, 99169 () -5/17/2021 9:07:12 AM ActiveAdvanced to General1
City/TownTOWN OF WASHTUCNACouncil Position 3Short & Full4Michael Stroud265 NW C ST, WASHTUCNA, WA, 99371[email protected](360) 521-13015/19/2021 3:49:10 PM ActiveAdvanced to General1
City/TownTOWN OF WASHTUCNACouncil Position 4Regular4Frederic A Blauert115 S Cherry Ln, Washtucna, WA, 99371 () -5/20/2021 3:00:00 PM ActiveAdvanced to General1
FireADAMS CO FIRE DIST 1 - LINCOLN CO FIRE DIST 10Commissioner Position 1Regular6Matt Kubik2197 E HEINEMAN RD, RITZVILLE, WA, 99169 () -5/17/2021 10:08:57 PM ActiveAdvanced to General1
FireFIRE DISTRICT 2Commissioner Position 1Regular6Traven SmithPO BOX 262, LIND, WA, 99341 () -5/18/2021 9:02:39 PM ActiveAdvanced to General1
FireFIRE DISTRICT 3Commissioner Position 2Regular6Dalles Deife29 E GRIFFITH RD, ODESSA, WA, 99159 () -5/17/2021 7:47:09 PM ActiveAdvanced to General1
FireFIRE DISTRICT 4Commissioner Position 1Regular6Henry Harder1178 N McCall Rd, Lamont, WA, 99017 () -5/21/2021 9:03:00 AM ActiveAdvanced to General1
FireFIRE DISTRICT 5Commissioner Position 3Short & Full6Peter Anderson1932 W HATTON RD, OTHELLO, WA, 99344 () -5/20/2021 6:43:59 PM ActiveAdvanced to General1
FireFIRE DISTRICT 7Commissioner Position 2Regular6Jason A Snyder2074 E HERMAN RD, WASHTUCNA, WA, 99371 () -5/17/2021 3:46:42 PM ActiveAdvanced to General1
Park and RecreationOTHELLO PARK AND RECREATION 1Commissioner Position 1Unexpired2Frank J Vasquez636 S WAGON RD, OTHELLO, WA, 99344 () -5/21/2021 10:18:56 AM ActiveAdvanced to General1
Park and RecreationOTHELLO PARK AND RECREATION 1Commissioner Position 2Short & Full4Rolando Cerrillo708 S ELLIOTT LN, OTHELLO, WA, 99344 () -5/20/2021 9:38:16 AM ActiveAdvanced to General1
Park and RecreationOTHELLO PARK AND RECREATION 1Commissioner Position 4Regular4Robert Pruneda1420 E FERN ST, OTHELLO, WA, 99344[email protected](509) 760-13305/21/2021 10:37:07 AM ActiveAdvanced to General1
Park and RecreationWASHTUCNA PARK AND RECREATION 2Commissioner Position 3Short & Full4Theresa A. St. Hilaire300 S SPRING, WASHTUCNA, WA, 99371 () -5/19/2021 12:59:04 PM ActiveAdvanced to General1
Park and RecreationWASHTUCNA PARK AND RECREATION 2Commissioner Position 5Regular4Tracee Sitton300 SW SPRING ST, WASHTUCNA, WA, 99371 () -5/17/2021 4:50:48 PM ActiveAdvanced to General1
Park and RecreationLIND PARK AND RECREATION 3Commissioner Position 4Regular4Samantha CrowPO BOX 455, LIND, WA, 99341 () -5/17/2021 9:04:35 AM ActiveAdvanced to General1
Park and RecreationLIND PARK AND RECREATION 3Commissioner Position 5Regular4Kelsey KramerPO BOX 3, LIND, WA, 99341 () -5/17/2021 10:09:42 AM ActiveAdvanced to General1
Park and RecreationRITZVILLE PARK AND RECREATION 4Commissioner Position 1Regular4Kandis Duff510 W 4TH AVE, RITZVILLE, WA, 99169 () -5/17/2021 11:42:52 AM ActiveAdvanced to General1
Park and RecreationRITZVILLE PARK AND RECREATION 4Commissioner Position 2Regular4Stephanie Stokoe506 E PEACH AVE, RITZVILLE, WA, 99169 () -5/17/2021 11:41:32 AM ActiveAdvanced to General1
CemeteryCEMETERY DISTRICT 1Commissioner Position 2Regular6Roy McKenzie250 NW May St, Washtucna, WA, 99371 () -5/17/2021 11:05:00 AM ActiveAdvanced to General1
CemeteryCEMETERY DISTRICT 3Commissioner Position 2Unexpired4Barbara DeVorePO Box 22, Lind, WA, 99341 () -5/18/2021 11:18:00 AM ActiveAdvanced to General1
CemeteryCEMETERY DISTRICT 3Commissioner Position 3Regular6Cheryl Haase19 S LUTCHER AVE, LIND, WA, 99341 () -5/18/2021 9:58:05 AM ActiveAdvanced to General1
WaterWATER DISTRICT 1Commissioner Position 1Short & Full6Dora S Beraza2161 W MAY ST, OTHELLO, WA, 99344 () -5/19/2021 2:48:36 PM ActiveAdvanced to General1