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Vote Washington

Number of offices: 1
Number of candidates: 1

How to use this page:

Select the Primary election to see all candidates who filed (select a county to see PCOs).

General Election candidates will display after the Primary is certified.

The election status column displays whether a candidate appears on the Primary ballot.

View your personalized voting information at VoteWA.gov.

Command item
Command item
District TypeDistrictRaceTerm TypeTerm LengthNameMailing AddressEmailPhoneFiling DateParty PreferenceStatusElection Status
JudicialBenton, Franklin Superior CourtJudge Position 3Unexpired1Diana Ruff8524 W. GAGE BLVD, STE A-1 #179, KENNEWICK, WA, 99336[email protected](971) 232-80785/15/2023 9:15:04 AM ActiveElected1