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Vote Washington

Number of offices: 11
Number of candidates: 12

How to use this page:

Select the Primary election to see all candidates who filed (select a county to see PCOs).

General Election candidates will display after the Primary is certified.

The election status column displays whether a candidate appears on the Primary ballot.

View your personalized voting information at VoteWA.gov.

Command item
Command item
District TypeDistrictRaceTerm TypeTerm LengthNameMailing AddressEmailPhoneFiling DateParty PreferenceStatusElection Status
SCHOOLSCHOOL DISTRICT 250SCHOOL DIRECTOR #04Regular4Jim Nelly1694 RIDGEVIEW DR , CLARKSTON, WA, 99403 () -5/18/2021 3:22:52 PM ActiveAdvanced to General1
SCHOOLSCHOOL DISTRICT 250SCHOOL DIRECTOR #05Regular4Russ A Davis2530 REMINGTON WAY, CLARKSTON, WA, 99403[email protected](509) 295-32225/17/2021 10:28:11 AM ActiveAdvanced to General1
City/TownCITY OF POMEROYCITY COUNCIL MEMBER #04Regular4James D. Harris960 CRESCENT DR , POMEROY, WA, 99347[email protected](509) 843-36295/19/2021 9:48:00 AM ActiveAdvanced to General1
City/TownCITY OF POMEROYCITY COUNCIL MEMBER #05Regular4Susie Bowles909 HIGH ST , POMEROY, WA, 99347[email protected](509) 780-98255/17/2021 9:20:00 AM ActiveAdvanced to General1
FireFIRE DISTRICT 1FIRE COMMISSIONER #01Regular6Terry E. John364 HIGHWAY 12 E , POMEROY, WA, 99347[email protected](509) 566-72125/20/2021 1:34:07 PM ActiveAdvanced to General1
Public HospitalHOSPITAL DISTRICT 1HOSPITAL COMMISSIONER #01Regular6Sherry Ledgerwood24 ELSENSOHN RD , POMEROY, WA, 99347[email protected](509) 843-34385/21/2021 3:04:11 PM ActiveAdvanced to General1
Public HospitalHOSPITAL DISTRICT 1HOSPITAL COMMISSIONER #01Regular6Chris Herres24 MARENGO RD , POMEROY, WA, 99347[email protected](509) 843-30685/20/2021 4:00:00 PM ActiveAdvanced to General2
Public HospitalHOSPITAL DISTRICT 1HOSPITAL COMMISSIONER #02Regular6Erica Stallcop201 HUTCHENS HILL RD, POM, WA, 99347[email protected](208) 553-27395/20/2021 8:05:22 PM ActiveAdvanced to General1
PortPORT DISTRICT GA-2PORT COMMISSIONER 2Unexpired2Matt HerresPO Box 581, POMEROY, WA, 99347[email protected](509) 751-62905/19/2021 9:08:00 AM ActiveAdvanced to General1
PortPORT DISTRICT GA-3PORT COMMISSIONER 3Regular6Larry J. ScogginPO Box 351, POMEROY, WA, 99347[email protected](509) 843-10725/17/2021 9:30:00 AM ActiveAdvanced to General1
SchoolPOMEROY SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 110SCHOOL DIRECTOR #02Regular4Geremy D. Nelson545 HUTCHENS HILL RD , POMEROY, WA, 99347[email protected](208) 405-18445/20/2021 2:44:34 PM ActiveAdvanced to General1
SchoolPOMEROY SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 110SCHOOL DIRECTOR AL4Regular4Kyle J. Pearson211 HUTCHENS HILL RD , POMEROY, WA, 99347[email protected](208) 790-23015/20/2021 4:50:00 PM ActiveAdvanced to General1